Helen Ross 14 February 2018 1 min read

What's new from Commerce Vision

It’s been a little while since I looked at our very newest features so I thought this week was a good time to give you a quick rundown of some of the handy new features available to you.


Separate display options for Desktop, Tablet, and Mobile

A recent update means you can now specify banners not just for mobile and desktop, but tablet as well. This is a great way to make the best use of the space available and allows you to adjust your imagery to fit the very different screen shapes without compromising the user experience for any type of user.

Documentation: http://cvconnect.commercevision.com.au/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=30736425


Enhanced Rich Snippets

This is a great one for those customers who show products including pricing. With the recent update to Rich Snippets, you’ll be able to show not just the product but price, availability, the number of reviews and average rating (if applicable). If you’ve been trying to achieve something like the below, Enhanced Rich Snippets in version 4.02+ is how you do it!


Documentation: http://cvconnect.commercevision.com.au/display/KB/Enhanced+Rich+Snippets


New promo code scenario

Another promo code scenario has made its way to the CMS. You can now offer your customers a special buy price on a product when they buy a set quantity of a secondary product. EG: Buy 3 toothbrushes and get toothpaste for $2.

Documentation: http://cvconnect.commercevision.com.au/display/KB/Buy+X%2C+Get+Y+for+just+%24Z+Promo+Code


Adding a secondary contact as CC on the Order Placed email

As of 4.02+ you can now add a secondary email to the order placed email by customer code. This is especially useful if your reps have particular customers that they want to keep an eye on, or are working with on new ventures so they’re always in the know.

Documentation: https://cvconnect.commercevision.com.au/display/KB/CC+the+Order+Placed+email+to+another+recipient



That’s it for today’s update but there are some super cool things I’m really excited about coming in the near future. We’ll be launching one my favourites at our joint event with Phocas next month so make sure you register!


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