
Selling to the C-Suite


How to get your B2B ecommerce platform pitch over the line

No matter what size your organisation is, convincing the decision-makers - commonly known as the C-Suite - to invest in new tech can be quite nerve-wracking. It's not that you don't have confidence in the B2B ecommerce platform you've chosen, it’s the pitch that has you under the pump. How do you get the right features and benefits on the table to get the project over the line?

We've developed the ultimate guide on selling to the C-Suite. As Jerry Maguire would say, show them the money, but really push the other tangible and intangible benefits that make up the overall ROI. Remember: the ROI isn't just about the dollar savings.
What’s Inside?

This eGuide covers:

  • Building your business case - they're going to ask what the financial benefits are. So let's talk about money
  • There's more to the ROI - what will happen if they DON’T invest in a B2B ecommerce solution?
  • Finding an executive champion - you need a C-Cheerleader!
  • Putting it all together - how to make the actual pitch
  • Why you need to emphasise the necessity for digital transformation


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Experience ecommerce, built for B2B